
Proof that Eli Manning is the NFL's all-time greatest prankster

Go ahead, laugh at Eli Manning all you want (especially after what we all saw the Giants quarterback do when his brother’s team locked up the Super Bowl). Behind that blank stare is one of the NFL’s greatest masterminds.

I say this now because stories continue to leak about Manning’s legendary pranks, including this one from his former teammate, Antonio Pierce, who spoke to ESPN’s Russillo and Kannell this week:

“[The offensive line] did something to Eli. So Eli goes to the equipment room and they get legit purple paint. … All the linemen, our whole starting five linemen, had purple shoes. Their dress shoes. These are expensive shoes. And we’re getting on the plane.”

Evil! Back in 2011, ESPN mentioned a prank Manning pulled on kicker Lawrence Tynes:

“Manning thought it was time to hit Tynes where it hurt. Because kickers were notorious for leaving the team buildings early after practice — they didn’t have as many daily scheduled meetings as others — Manning enlisted a couple of teammates to park their cars so they boxed Tynes’ vehicle in. When Tynes went to his car thinking that he was headed for a nice meal and a return to his room, he had to sit there for at least another hour until Manning emerged with a big grin.”

And here’s something from The Wall Street Journal, also from 2011:

“Manning has taken Victor Cruz’s towel, hanging fresh and fluffy outside the shower, soaked it in water and hung it back in its spot. He’s taken Travis Beckum’s towel and sprayed it with liquid soap. Last week, he slyly stuck a wad of gum on a football, told Devin Thomas to go out for a pass, and didn’t change his expression when Thomas came up with gum on his hand.”

Manning doesn’t just play pranks on teammates. Kevin Nealon explained how the quarterback reprogrammed his cell phone last year at the Saturday Night Live 40th anniversary after-party:

To all the future Manning teammates: Be afraid. Be very afraid.

(Thanks to for sharing)

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