In the public version of the game, there are many features, scenes and many cutscenes depending on the story of the characters. we wanted to advance the Patreon Version with DLC logic and actually what you see on the Patreon page are extra features that come as mods to the game since we chose to make the game this way. We're making 5 different games and between the 5 games I should point out that there are no differences. The DLC logic we're all used to. 5 games will get the same and major updates every month also Patreon versions will only receive minor updates.
Hope you make a Fairy Tail version with Lucy, Erza, Juvia and Mirajane. It has potential.
Since you're clearly making this game for profit I assume you have the rights to the Bleach IP?
People on this site, who still don't understand the concept of parody. Life must be hard on them.
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Реакции: XetriftStudios

Riza Stingray

almost 65% of options are locked WTF :mad:
Put it in the "game" folder. A cheap trainer with AI generated arts, it's easier to look at rule34 or generate it yourself.
Wouldn't have anything against it, I'm a Bleach fan, but a paywall like that is a bit much.

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PC 1.8.5
(A compressed version from M.Alice was used.)

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my review got removed cuz somebody suffered hemorrhoids . lmao.

here's another one here:

Art: 0/5--grabbed straight from the many AI tools out there.

Gameplay: Negative 5 out of 5: that princess trainer game permanently gave brain rot to other developers on gameplay mechanics.
It is NOT fun to repeatedly press the icon for the same reply, in order to fill up an arbitrary bar to unlock the next bland scene.

Story: 0/5, there is no story. And I have low standards, considering I am on this site.

Music: 0/5. 404 not found

Effort: C+, the dev tried.

Price tag: "You must subscribe to my patreon to access the rest of this review"


New Member
In the public version of the game, there are many features, scenes and many cutscenes depending on the story of the characters. we wanted to advance the Patreon Version with DLC logic and actually what you see on the Patreon page are extra features that come as mods to the game since we chose to make the game this way. We're making 5 different games and between the 5 games I should point out that there are no differences. The DLC logic we're all used to. 5 games will get the same and major updates every month also Patreon versions will only receive minor updates.

You made this game? You put philza minecraft in this game?!? @_@

H mmmmmmmm

anybody else think this looks AI generated?
and how is this tagged femdom when the girls are literally calling you master....
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