Writing for this game is basic at best and very alpha: you get some simple responses from your lab partner, there is enough information to know basics about where you are and what you are doing, but that's it. There are no graphics used in this Twine game. Interactivity in this game is high with the sheer amount of things you can do and mess with in the lab, but many of them are unfinished and will give you code errors. Transformations used in this game are many and varied for both your lab partner and yourself, with a random element also in the game depending on how you've been treating your lab partner.
This is a very tough game to review. It's a click-fest through what you have to go through to build up research knowledge and lab materials for making things that you'll be blind guessing on what transformations that they cause for both your avatar and your lab partner. From the current alpha release, there is no information in-game that will help you figure out what does what and what transformation is achieved off what lab materials (and how they're refined). So you better have a notepad and pen ready because this one is like taking on a very difficult CYOA book right now.
Originally I was enjoying it and trying to figure out the puzzle, but after an hour or so I just found myself not caring because of the lack of significant transformations I'd achieved and not having my partner betray me too much while I grinded through the resource hunt. The bugs and dead end processes were a pain, but the lower tiered transformations were accessible and that was enough for this release to get some solid game time.
I still like the premise of the game and the options available for manipulation of both the PC and NPC, as well as justified penalties for stupid risks. But the grind and blind-gameplay are a real trial: this game absolutely needs a walkthrough/wikia.
Worth a look.
A walkthough maybe a good thing with this game. I found it relatively confusing, to be perfectly honest. Though it does have some potential.
Simple and clear advice: if you want a lot of clicks, do it simply.
Within one click.
This is not difficult, to make the button "spend actions in search in the lab", for example.
Do it comfortably, seriously.
Don't have much to say 'bout this game that hasn't been said already. The concept alone would work great if it wasn't for all the tedious clicking and extremely slow progression with anything and everything.
Oh, and Natural Growth seems a bit borked at the moment. Every time I start and get past the first day, both my character and the "experiment" inexplicably become the peaks of physical perfection and then some...
This game really frustrates me. Mostly because I wish it could be better.
The concept this game has, has the potential to be one of the greatest TF games of all time. A scientist who has a ton of weird machines and substances, has to go through an RPG like system slowly building up their base and writing down knowledge of transformative materials they find. They can choose to either transform their partner or themselves, and there's a trust and dominance system going between the two. It's a great idea.
However, it's innately tedious by design. The game has this day/night feature, but all it does is clog up the menus and having the user click additional times. If you want to have events where you go to sleep, just have ONE event saying "you go to sleep for the night" and maybe some sex or dreams or whatever you want to throw in there. This makes the game a slog combined with the grinding for materials and substances you have to do. I don't mind the research point grind- I actually think it's quite fair. However, the grinding for substances is painful, especially so when you want to save them for a super serum and your partner keeps using them. Every day you wake up -> go through 2-3 menus to do want to do -> game tells you it's changing time -> get sent back to house so you have to go through another 2-3 menus, etc. The fact that the game balance is super slow kills it and makes doing this not fun. Ironically it seems the developer couldn't even be bothered to make a proper debug menu as you can't change certain aspects of your body like your gender and your partner's breasts (and if they have a dick or not) forcing you to grind for materials to do this.
You can do a lot of stuff to you and your partner, but it all seems pointless. You can make your partner dumb, but all this does is break all their dialogue so they don't say anything and make them start breaking machines costing time and money. I understand it's an alpha, but even if the dialogue was there, there doesn't seem to be a benefit for it. I'm all for connecting gameplay to kinks, and a brain drain type kink making mistakes at the lab higher makes sense, but there is no positive. Maybe more willing to sex acts? You can turn into a female, but again, nothing happens. You just are now able to go more places to do nothing. Lactation is implemented, but other than a single line of text, it doesn't matter.
The writing for this game is also more in line with corruptions of champions writing rather than a text based story game. Descriptions of your characters are utilitarian and very to the point. This is fine in Corruptions of Champions because the detailed sex scenes using your body parts makes up for it, but in this game it seems to be the only reward you get for doing your science since the whole point is to transform things. Therefore, even in an alpha there should be a bit more detail in all of the character descriptions instead of just watching your test subject go from "[...]Has a flat chest." to "[...]Has A cup breasts, very small in comparison to normal". Nothing exciting happens in this game to reward the player.
As for the fact that it's an alpha, in it's current state it is completly filled to the brim with bugs and breaks more often than not. So stay away if you want even a remotely polished game.
All in all I see the framework for a great, erotic TF game here, but it's shot in the foot by it's own design and writing. I suggest the developer think over some of the things that makes this boring to play.