Seducing milf II.
I was telling you about this hot milf I met in the neighbourhood park while I was walking my little pug buddy so he could meet some other dogs and have a nice time. Instead I met someone and this milf was coming on to me hard and she wanted my body as hard as he could. When our dogs were getting to know each other she sat on the bench next to me, and said that she was divorced from her husband a half a year ago and now, she is fucking every guy she finds remotely attractive, as she was not going to be this hot forever. Plus she has got the money, she's got the look and the freedom to do and fuck everyone she pleases. And now she had picked me and I better not say no.
Of course I did not say no and we got the the dogs on leash and headed back to her luxury apartment. When we got home she started kissing me and massaging my dick over my jeans. Then she threw me on the couch and started sucking my dick. She was so good I nearly sprayed the back of her throat full with my jizz. But I soldiered trough it and lasted long enough to fuck her from behind as hardcore as I could . At the end she came screaming as a witch and I came on her beautiful face.
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