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Hello, I'm really enjoying the game so far but now I'm stuck (0.37), the mission  A Night to Remember, gotta talk to the Rat and he asks me to defeat his henchmen. I defeated every single one in the map but he still tells me this? How do I advance? Thx!


This might be a weird question to ask, but is there any non-con scenes / scenes of sex happening regardless of input? Or would you say that the player has an option to choose which scenes (or partners) to avoid?


We try to always give the player a choice. There is scenes that happen regardless (the intro for example), but those are exceptions.

(1 edit)

Hey, I have problems when I try to open the console: It will just not appear, and this since a few updates :/     Could you help me with that ? By the way, the game is awesome, keep up the great work ! 

Have you enabled the console in the game settings? After that, press F2

(1 edit)

Yep, and I ve tried to undo my key binds but It still didn t work...

Hey! idk why there's a problem but why is mine in Chinese?

Like your game language is in chinese?

Here's how you get it back to english:

if you need help on translating into Chinese, hit me up

too many ones don't make sense, hire me 🤣


I am playing on android and everytime i go to different locations 2 or 3 times the game crashes.

For example im getting out of motel and when i enter back or to the bar the game crashes.

Thanks for letting us know!

Hello! I'm loving the game so far on android but have one problem. 

When in the gallery and choosing animations, the thumbnail for one scene (bar ending intro I think) shows the character as a futa, but when the scene is loaded, there is no option to enable futa content, this was the same on the Windows version also.

Am I missing something? Maybe a hidden button or something? 

Thanks for the great game!

Heya, the scene tries to read your save-data when showing the cg. Since in the gallery, there is no loaded save, it shows the default. I'll need to add extra logic to let you chose which variant you want.


Thanks for the reply! Best of luck with further development, this is probably the best adult game I've played!

Hey there I am using an android and was wondering if you have any tips for the dancing part of May I Have This Dance? I've spent  over 2 hours now attempting to finnish it but the farthest I made it yet is 3 combos in to the last part of the combo yet over this time I just can't improve so hopefully you could help me out.

Ok ignore this finally got through it after 4 hours. I got very lucky and almost lost but I did do it.


Hey, sorry to hear that this is posing issues. How many fps do you get when playing? If it's above 30, the issue might be input delay related? 

I'm not very good with knowing what causes issue but I think it might have been from temporary delay as fps seemed fine but it fixed most or all on its own today when I played as I did much better and I consistently made it farther in right away.

(1 edit) (+1)

Firstly, I want to say I'm enjoying this game immensely. I plan to purchase it from Steam for Windows purposes.

Is there any possible way to add an export/import function to the android version?

Android/data/com.AnduoGames.ThirdCrisis/files/Saves is a root admin level folder. It's not accessible unless the device is rooted. Sideloading is available without root, but I cannot migrate my save from my phone and back. 

Edit: I'm playing primarily on my phone at the moment


Heya, I can access that folder on my android device without it being rooted. 

Apologies, I have found the folder and save file. I was looking in the wrong data folder! 

(1 edit)

amazing game, kinda sad its not finished yet, but id pay for that shit to play it if it will be, also is there possible way to transfer saves from 35 to 36 version?

Is there a way to transfer equipment to Jewel once she's in my party? 

No, there is no way to transfer equipment

I cannot get past the mission the new waitress even though both tasks are fulfilled.

This seems like a really promising game and I’m really really eager to try it. The problem is whenever I try to play it the browser version, it would stop the game file download at 90% and display this message 

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'r.buffer')

Is there any way to fix this? (I’m playing this on iPad by the way)

Webgl is not supported on mobile devices, sorry.

I see....will this game ever be available on mobile devices or are there no current plans for that to happen?


There's a native android version, but we can't release an ios version without getting on the appstore, which we can't do because they don't take adult content

Oh well, Thanks anyways.

Would you ever add pregnancy to the game?


No, it's too close to underage.

Actually when i play in android is still crash and sometime exit the game and play agian like going to houses like 3 or 2 times is start crashed again please fix it.

(1 edit)

Is Android version playable now? I haven't been able to play this game on my phone for half a year...

I've been playing it for a few days on my phone now, so yes.

Hm, i'll try it then

(2 edits) (+2)

I actually don't care for the H scenes at all. I'm so invested in the story, I stayed completely pure the whole game because I want to be clean for Karen.

I thought it was gonna be another mindless sex game, but the plot and the characters in the game are so compelling, they have an unexpected depth to them, even Jewel. I especially love my man Throb, if I didn't wanna fuck a man before I definitely do now.

How do you access the new scenes? The progression of that questline seems broken bc every time I talk with L it says wait for the next update?

The gallery gives you hints on each scene you haven't seen

The only hint I get is "do the dark alley content". Which I have done. I still can't find the new scene there. And according to the patch notes there should be 2 scenes, and the second one doesn't seem to be in the gallery as far as I can tell.

how do you go about updating the game? I don't want to accidentally delete my save

Depends on what platform you're on, but on windows the save files are not stored in the game files folder, so you can just update.

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When i got to the combat i was excited since i played the M+R:KB on switch. But seeing how the game never has actual... "tatical and planning" control options... i feel like i wanna ask for some highly needed features.

[1. The camera, zooming out and moving it to know the best strategy and such. Why can't i do this.. this is useful for android users like me..]

[2. In combat, you need to add a optional "dpad" or "confirm action" button to display DURING BATTLES. One, i repeat ONE misclick or mistake up during moving and such can ruin the fun. ...and on android it can happen alot, plus this is forcing me to skip battles. The controls.. ]

[3. Can't you at least have us earn exp. So that way i WANT to battle. Plus why take away the main protagonist's main weapon and ability UNTIL THE BOSS OF WORLD 2.  You're given no time to practice and prepare since the player is never prepared for it.]

[4. Like actually see "the completionist's" MRKB talk on the gameplay ..since he nails on WHY THE COMBAT GAMEPLAY WORKS SO WELL AND EVERYTHING. JUST LOOK AT IT, it makes me feel like in third crisis that I'm limited or not given good controls for gameplay. Just... go look at at. I can't say anymore just go see it. Learn from it. Its so so so useful for developers.]

I am opening the game and Jenna's sprite wont pop up in any of the scenes and I've tried uninstalling and re installing and nothing is working the old grumpy man at the beginning for example when i get in the sink there is nothing just the background and the same thing happens for when you talk to him after he opens the gate

Hey there guys....kindly help me out with a task....that is to find jewel in the top matter where I search I see no sign of there something that m missing?? If so....kindly help me out🙏🙏

When is the next update gonna be publicly released?
And what will be added and/or changed?

How does one dash? It seems glitched on my version.

Unsure if its a bug or not in game yet,but i should meet with jewel at the top floor of the masion,but cant find her.

I am playing on Android and on the Version 0.35 

it's not in game yet

U mean that part has not been added in the game yet???which version should I play in order to get that quest done

Bug report: You can clip through the stairs of the house directly to the right of the storehouse and go out of bounds since there is no collision there.

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Bug report
Basic Jewel`s abilities are: heal, lust attack and lust heal (from left to right). But when fighting with Floria, they became lust attack, heal, lust heal(again from left to right).

Oh, and it is quite hard to distinguish them, as they are all denoted with "lips" icon.

But the game is great!

I'm sure you've been asked 100x but could you please produce a Mac Binary?

We tried, it doesn't work just like that. Sadly, there are some building issues. Considering the small portion of players that need it (since you can play the browser version or play the windows version through wine or virtual machine), it just doesn't make sense for us to put the days into fixing the build issues at the moment, sorry.

Thank you for your quick reply

How do I unlock the drunk stage comedy scene at the bar

(5 edits)

I love this and the story too but

(cus im depressed now)

It would be awesome if u could go into wildfires prison cell and she spanks and spits on you or something and you would be able to choose if u become her pet (like a dog that helps find ppl that are against the organisation 

but when u have a low enough lvl of perversion u sit with her and tell u your story she tells hers und u become her (with high enough perversion her pet and be able to influence her to destoy leaths organisation with her) 

and with low perversion u become her soldier (undercover to fight leaths organisation) and train ppl to destroy the organisation from within with her... 

(This would still be kinky but sometype of happy ending or new story start)

that story part is  so sad that I couldn't sleep 


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Bug report for v0.35.0 (on windows); in the bar ending, the eyes, eyebrows and mouth don't line up with the character.

I tried installing on android 6 and it said app not installed

This usually happens when there's not enough storage space.

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Nope still says app not installed i also tried f95zone same thing happens when I try to install

I have this issue to except I'm on Android 8

I really only have one question about the game, and it's regarding the perversion stat. I'm aware of the townhall route, but I was wondering if indulging in other activities can impact the game in a major way. For example, I noticed that by repeating the night shift at the pub, Jen becomes more and more addicted to the pleasure and attention. If I were to continue this, would I encounter anything like- Bad End: Became A Pub Slave

Or would it only lead to Jen being more sexual while going through the story?

Heya, the gallery tells you all about the different scenes you can find.

Some side content will lock you out of the main content. Those are bad ends. 

When i try to start the game , the game stops responding. Any solutions?

Are you on downloaded windows, android or web?


If you want to, you can upload the logfiles to our discord

(2 edits)

Where do i have to share? ping me (bearcore)


Hey, I love this game, but actually I have a problem where I can't see the name of the actions while I'm on a battle, like the name of the habilities and that stuff, hope you can fix it soon since it's kinda annoying, but great job with this game, is amazing!


Heya the fix for this is ready for the next update to be released :)

had fun but im getting frustrated i have to keep repeating so much game play due to being trapped in certain rooms. i cant get out of the bar ending scene so my data on that one is screwed because i didnt save before the scene for a while 

also stuck in the peitho room 

The game constantly autosaves, so just load an autosave from before entering the side content ending.

Hey, don't know if it's already aa known issue, but it looks at least like a kinda easy fix:
Version 0.35.0 in Carceburg
The messy building with the "night-partys" in the bottom row:

You can go down the stairs, but u don't get into another floor, nor do you stop. You just walk through the wall and into the black void.

Nothing bad to report. Just curious if you guys will ever add impregnation into the game. I feel like you should since it gives a sense of consequences if you get creampied too much. Plus plenty of people have an impregnation fetish.


Heya, we will not have a pregnant character in our game, because it is too close to having an underage character.

Pretty sad about this, but being 110% legal and keeping steam $$$ flowing is very understandable. Whatever ya gotta do to avoid the fate of other unfinished abandonware games!!

At least they have cum inflation... close enough.

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