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  1. alwayshorny1991

    alwayshorny1991 Porn Star

    Dec 14, 2010
    Not a huge point to this post just was pointing out I have noticed we have reached a point in porn where in the threesome sections, mfm has about 50 percent if not more of the content. I’m not complaining. In fact I believe it’s about time. Might not have always been the case years ago. Just a observation. Anybody else notice the same thing?
    • Like Like x 4
  2. 2_horny_people

    2_horny_people Sex Lover

    May 6, 2020
    Probably in relation to the rise in the whole hotwife/cuckold fantasies??...
    • Like Like x 5
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  3. Trib Fan

    Trib Fan Porn Star

    Mar 1, 2012
    MFM videos are our favorites to view...Some of them are a real turn on for fantasy sex.
    Neither one of us ever had a threesome and my partner would never allow another female into our bed.
    She IS, however, interested in sex with two guys....
    I know, hypocritical I suppose, but I don't have the jealousy issues that possess her.
    I'd love to some day have an MFM threesome....What a thrill that would be under the right circumstances.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. 4both
      Often is that way. At least at first
      4both, Oct 12, 2021
      Trib Fan likes this.
    2. Trib Fan
      Ahhhh....so as Jim Carrey said in 'Dumb & Dumber'...."So there IS a chance!"
      Trib Fan, Oct 15, 2021
  4. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    I much prefer my pussy being outnumbered by cocks, than pussy out numbering cock
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  5. speakeasy

    speakeasy Advocate

    Aug 15, 2007
    For the most part, porn is created by men, for men.
    The logistics of filming two men and one woman are probably easier than two women with one man.
    In our experiences, Nina prefers two men rather than a man and another woman. She's done woman on woman play, but it's not her "thing".
    The best 3-ways we've had focused mainly on only one of the participants. All parties involved should get their's but there's usually a "guest of honor" who gets the majority of the attention.
  6. Bicdintn

    Bicdintn Amateur

    Sep 10, 2019
    Society is changing. Male on male sex is almost normal now. Hell, just about any kind of sex seems normal now. Kinks and all.
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    1. Milo Cronos
      Tell the "woke" crowd, I don't think they've been paying attention to how much we don't care who you fuck. If it feels good, be happy and stay healthy!
      Milo Cronos, Oct 13, 2021
  7. KinkyGuy1999

    KinkyGuy1999 Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    I've been watching porn since the late 1980s and found mfm threesome porn to be about the same then as it is now. I'll admit what I watch is mostly mainstream but it sounds like, from the comments here, that it is more mmf that you are talking about. That is, more direct m-m interactions but with a female present, and as opposed to say 'balls slapping balls' in DPs or DVPs where the female is the center of the action.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. randallgossip

    randallgossip Bad Wolf

    May 1, 2016
    Could just be the suggestion algorithm on whatever site you mainly use.

    edit: yeah, I know, boring answer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. KinkyGuy1999

    KinkyGuy1999 Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Certainly algorithms play a role. I've clicked on links, posted both here and other sites, for porn that is interpreted to be gay or trans even though it is not. Perhaps that is a gateway, intended or not, to open new horizons.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. randallgossip
      A few weeks ago on another site, I clicked "like" on a female masturbation video and all my suggestions since then have been 100% female masturbation videos. I mean, I do like that kind of video, but all my suggestions? I probably clicked "like" because I thought the woman was hot, not because I exclusively watch those kind of videos.
      randallgossip, Oct 12, 2021
      KinkyGuy1999 likes this.
    2. KinkyGuy1999
      Exactly. For me, not really an issue but just don't like being categorized.
      KinkyGuy1999, Oct 12, 2021
      clsg2001 and randallgossip like this.
  10. alwayshorny1991

    alwayshorny1991 Porn Star

    Dec 14, 2010
    I believe part of it is that women are more willing to share their fantasies today so it’s becoming more mainstream
    • Like Like x 2
  11. valkyrie

    valkyrie Porn Star

    May 27, 2006
    I welcome it! On the few occasions that I have been in MFM threesomes, I have wound up with the other guys dick in my mouth and ass at some point. Not to say she didn’t get plenty of attention, we just all enjoyed each other equally!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. toons

    toons Porn Star

    Jun 16, 2007
    It’s hot to watch 2 guys play with each other & a girl
  13. lynnnlfb

    lynnnlfb Sex Machine

    Jan 23, 2021
    Back in either the late 70's or early 80's, Penthouse Forum started including MFM threesums with bisexual sex, mainly oral but by the 90's they had anal also. When this first started, Jonathan, my husband, told me he believed this addition will most likely lead to more gay and bisexual porn, then relationships between men. Of course there were gay men and woman since Biblical times, but it was not openly flaunted as it is now. I can say one thing for sure, it has lead to much more bisexual and gay sex. Now with schools teaching children as young as kindergarten, how they can choose their gender and showing sexually graphic porn to very young elementary children, under the guise of educational school books, Jonathan has said he believes it is to normalize having sex with young children. After watching a YouTube video by Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, about the child porno ring using an unlicensed daycare, to get victims five years old and younger for sex, and learning about Jeffrey Epstein and the high ranking political friends he had visit his island, for them to have sex with young children, I am starting to think Jonathan might be right. Is someone trying to make it normal for men to be able to have sex with children. As I understand history, young boys and girls were used for sexual pleasure, it was a very normal thing in most countries over 1,000 years ago, and is still practiced in some countries today, just as some countries including the United States, still have black market slaves. The one thing which is in the statics, is since they have been teaching children they can choose in elementary school to get castrated and start hormone therapy for gender reassignment, the suicide rate among children younger than 13, has drastically increased. Could this drastic increase be because, we are not teaching children how a gender is your sex, and wanting to be something different is a personal choice? As our children were growing up, we taught them how to be a good person. We never really talked to them about sex, even though we took family showers, and the children helped us with breeding and birthing our farm animals. As with Jonathan, he knew about breeding and birthing having lived on a farm, but he really did not start learning what sex and Love was about till he was 14 and kissed his first girl. He got in trouble when he was teenager and at the farm one summer. He spotted one of his Aunt Jinny's cows, which was not able to shed the afterbirth. He went and told Aunt Jinny and she jumped on him to be quite, because her young granddaughters were at her house for the summer also. Jonathan and Uncle Bobby did go back out to help the cow. Jonathan never even felt up or petted a girl till he was 18. Both our daughters were the first to start asking us about sex and Love. They asked questions and we answered them, and we allowed them to watch Jonathan and I make Love. We told them after everyone went to bed, they could sneak up to see if we were making Love, if we were, they could watch but not interrupt and after we were done, we would answer any questions. About a year later our sons started asking questions and also joined in watching Jonathan and I making Love. Now days there are girls as young as 12 in schools pregnant. Do parents not teach their children any morals, or is it children are being pushed to learn and start having sex much too early in school? I am sorry if I rambled to much, but after learning there was a child sex sex ring, which was busted in Florida, I have been so mad about how we as Americans, let or caused this to happen.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
    1. GemmaSwinger101
      GemmaSwinger101, Oct 14, 2021
  14. PeterBHardenuf

    PeterBHardenuf Porn Star

    Jun 19, 2018
    Try larger fonts...
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  15. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    I prefer the MFM over all other threesomes, these directors would do well to take a few tips from the FMF in the way the center is teased!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. Pinkfox

    Pinkfox Sex Machine

    Sep 24, 2015
    I know it's my fantasy
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    1. alwayshorny1991
      You should make it a reality
      alwayshorny1991, Oct 13, 2021
      Pinkfox likes this.
  17. alwayshorny1991

    alwayshorny1991 Porn Star

    Dec 14, 2010
    The best thing a man could do for a woman is let her have a mfm threesome. Let her have 2 dicks at once!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. GemmaSwinger101

    GemmaSwinger101 Porn Star Banned!

    Oct 11, 2012
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  19. deuxe

    deuxe Sex Machine

    Jan 22, 2012
    I think there is less, I've yet to see good new mfm anywhere.
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    1. lynnnlfb
      Watch the movies from 1986 Bi Bi American Style, I thought they were well done, and were some of the first male bi-sexual we ever watched. I don't remember how many they made, but we always enjoyed watching the first one.
      Last edited: Oct 14, 2021
      lynnnlfb, Oct 14, 2021
    2. alwayshorny1991
      I have found a few solid newer movies. Just depends on what your interested in I suppose.
      alwayshorny1991, Oct 14, 2021
      deuxe likes this.
    3. deuxe
      deuxe, Oct 14, 2021
      alwayshorny1991 likes this.
  20. alwayshorny1991

    alwayshorny1991 Porn Star

    Dec 14, 2010
    Well what do you like? You like a storyline involved? You like seeing the couple contemplate if bringing in another man is right for them? You like seeing the woman have both guys complete attention on her? If you like these things I have a few.