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  1. Milo Cronos

    Milo Cronos The Sexual Intellectual

    Aug 29, 2011
    "Is that tough to learn, sounds like work"? @shy guy ...Yes and it's been a labor of love with incredible homework, mostly all my sexual education has been continually and academically based through years of study. The high note being that the techniques I've learned and adapted have been objectively proven through others time and time again with amazing results!

    "Yes but you must try things that you have found work on other woman"? @Cherrypop ...Of course I have but at this point in my age and experiences it's an integration of those techniques, not a conscious separation. No one technique stands out as much as another that wouldn't require me to explain each individual sexual encounter as to how it unfolded based on my lover's reaction. If you're asking me which one I personally give my all to than that would be cunnilingus, I'm forever lost at that moment in the sights, sounds, smells and taste of my lover's pussy and highly skilled in a multitude of techniques specific to that pleasure!
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Jonme

    Jonme Porn Star

    Mar 24, 2017
    One that all my partners have (seemed to have) liked is ....... after getting them (very) aroused, by fingers, lips and tongue on and in every part of their most sensitive places, varying from partners to partner, until they are 'really ready', is to grasp my shaft and run the tip of my cock up and down their well lubricated 'groove', teasing their entrance and rubbing it around and against their clit, until they make the involuntary upward hip lifts that says that they are more than ready.
    My teacher told me ---- "A woman's body is a 'beautiful instrument' upon which wonderful music can be played, once you learn how to play it".
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  3. stacilv

    stacilv Porn Star Banned!

    Sep 2, 2016
    I undress. That seems to lead to orgasms
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  4. thinskin

    thinskin Porn Star Banned!

    Dec 29, 2008
    The wicked kitten has to allow us some secrets!;)

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    1. scharff
      Or trade for some of her own....hmmm.....
      scharff, Nov 22, 2019
      Cherrypop likes this.
  5. LennyRz

    LennyRz Sex Machine

    Sep 2, 2017
    2 things cum to mind right away. First is usually with a new lady friend or FWB, after nearly 20-25 minutes of eating her pussy & depending on what's what, I'll mount her & fuck her for awhile,then gently pull out & start eating her out again, this goes on for as long as I can hold out,then after I cum inside,I'll lick her pussy some more. Secondly, I have a few different stroking movements besides just sticking it in & pumping away. It was because of my issues with my back because of all the sports & work I've done that caused me to make certain adjustments as I pump my cock inside her that increases her pleasure. I do have to remind my that when I'm fucking an ass, guy, girl, tgirl, it's better to use the traditional jackhammer method. One is for quality ,the other is for quanity.
  6. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    My only patented move is my pick up line. It's basically fool proof. I simply ask her if a female has any chance with her. There are only three possible responses, Yes, maybe and no. Yes is great, and maybe is even better as I now have "doable challenge," (which I luv) No is fine too as it means I can forget it and move on.
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  7. WickEdDarkness

    WickEdDarkness Porno Junky

    Nov 8, 2019
    It's a secret. To find out what it is I'm afraid you'll have to fuck me. But it does involve my tongue, my fingers, and a marching band.
    • Funny Funny x 4
    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      Ooooo! With kilts and spats and furry sporrans?
      WickEdDarkness likes this.
    3. WickEdDarkness
      Of course! Your "friend" will also be happy to learn that there will be nothing worn under the kilts.
      WickEdDarkness, Nov 23, 2019
    4. submissively speaking
      She’ll be delighted when I report back. This is definitely her kind of good time. ;)
    5. WickEdDarkness
      Does she have a fancy "move" that she'd like to share, perhaps?
      WickEdDarkness, Nov 23, 2019
    6. submissively speaking
      I’ll ask her. She’s usually quite shy about this kind of thing.
      WickEdDarkness likes this.
  8. Jack Mine

    Jack Mine The Pope of Assholiness

    May 30, 2009
    It's two snaps and a twist for me :)

    I would have to say it's my oral skills. Not to pat myself on the back, but I've had a few women till me it was the best they ever had. It was the best, because it's what i enjoy the best
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  9. Mjr100

    Mjr100 Porn Star

    May 26, 2018
    To make a woman comfortably and relaxed makes them build up there orgasm to knew heights. Massage from head to toe, lots of foreplay, and oral. My little thing seems woman luv is taking my cock and slide it on there lips, nipples , clit and pussy lips, and asshole. There's no licking or sucking or penetrating. So when it's time to fuck there going to cum like crazy. Also luv titty fucking and anal as long they get into it.
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  10. deleted user 555 768

    deleted user 555 768 Porn Star Banned!

    May 9, 2014
    I'm gunna have to try this, simple question, simple answer...now to come up with some kind of "game", to be able to ask the question in the first place
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. TommyGspot

    TommyGspot Porn Star

    Mar 17, 2018
    Reverse Jack Hammer
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  12. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    Where is the fun in that? ;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  13. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    Hit them with the whiskey dick.
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  14. Brent87

    Brent87 Porno Junky

    Oct 6, 2018
    I can't say it's just one move, because I'm a firm believer in paying attention to my partner's body reaction to each thing I do and adjust accordingly.
    One thing that seems to throw every woman I can remember over the edge is as she is on top, I'll dig my feet into the bed forcing my hips up and forward to the point of lifting them off the bed or nearly off the bed, using my hands to hold her hips in place or force her to grind harder into me.
    Introduced a few women to squirting that way too.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Will88

    Will88 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2018
    Upon getting turned down, I usually go home and masturbate.
  16. Kung Fu Panda

    Kung Fu Panda Sex Lover

    Apr 9, 2018
  17. Kung Fu Panda

    Kung Fu Panda Sex Lover

    Apr 9, 2018
    Oh, one of my better routines is to stay with relaxing music, incense, and candles. Including massage wax candles. I massage her entire back the top of the head to the neck, then I start using the hot massage wax and I do a full body massage all the way to the feet. Then I roll her over and do the same, including massaging her face, and all the way down to her feet again. But I don't touch her pussy at all. This part is about utter relaxation. And it includes Reiki as well.

    Once she's fully massaged and relaxed I would gently lift her breasts and begin playing with her nipples using my tongue. Flicking, licking, twirling, and nibbling. My other hand would be doing similar things to the other breast. Once I have one nipple entire awoken, I would move to the other. After both I gently kiss my way down to her thighs and kiss her inner thighs up and down, but never touching her pussy.

    Once she's sorry writhing and breathing heavy I will move to her pussy, but I breathe warm breaths on it first, to let it know I'm there. Then slowly start licking from both to top of her pussy, letting my tongue go a little deeper each time. I'd pay special attention to the clit after a while, doing the same to her clit as her nipples. Including gently nibbling.

    After about her sixth orgasm this way I would last next to her and kiss her and worship her mouth and neck and breasts while I gently thrust and roll my fingers into her pussy, being sure to lift my fingers and rub her g spot until she's come another 6 times.

    Then I would get between her legs and rub the head of my previous up an down her vagina until it's coated in her fluids and slowly insert into her and will my way down with smooth deep thrusts against her cervix while we kiss and play with our necks and nipples and tongues until I cum deep inside her pussy. Then keep fucking for post-cum torture until we can't stand it anymore.

    That's round one...
  18. Cherrypop

    Cherrypop Wicked Kitten

    May 29, 2019
    I also do this thing that isn’t a sex move exactly. It’s more of a seduction move. I like to stretch in front of a guy. I’ll put my arms above my head and arch my back and just really stretch my body out, making sure my boobs are perky and sticking right out. I also like to do this naked in bed. It has never failed me lol
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  19. Kung Fu Panda

    Kung Fu Panda Sex Lover

    Apr 9, 2018
    Ah, the old cat stretch! Yeah, that work like a charm!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Cherrypop
      It really does! And I act all innocent like I have no idea what I’m doing to him ;)
      Cherrypop, Nov 23, 2019
      Dog Daddy likes this.
    2. Cherrypop
      Men are fun ♥️
      Cherrypop, Nov 23, 2019
      stan123 and Dog Daddy like this.
    3. notdescriptive
      Every man knows exactly what you are doing. The innocent act is cute like a kitten but no way convincing. We know the truth and like it. Keep doing it.
      notdescriptive, Nov 25, 2019