
An Old Solution to the Weeds Problem

* Re “Schools Need Remedial Weeding,” May 10.

Trimming or mowing the weeds does not get rid of their roots but leaves them to grow back bigger and better, widening cracks and raising asphalt.

Amazing that in this day and age, with funds so tight for schools and staffs spread so thin (in addition to the ban on strong herbicides), that we don’t go back to what my grandmother did for weeds in cracks. It is virtually free, easy, fast, requires no special tools and is nontoxic. If kept up, it leaves no future weeds, no raising of asphalt from roots and no time-consuming, back-breaking work. It will not harm people, plants, animals or the environment. It effectively kills the weeds, roots and all, and sterilizes any seeds. Do it once a week and weeds will not reappear.

Although it is probably too simplistic to try a solution that has worked in the past and works in my yard now, why not try it?


Simply pour boiling water in the cracks!

Too easy and cheap?


Studio City
