The discussion here is real. and the new update is 3 weeks from now.
I also like the game a lot. And Ian as a character. He has depth. He sees himself as a misfit (when he talked about school and his friends, all misfits) and Minerva is giving him this vibe, too. Even Holly had to admit, that he is treated unfairly.
So, he is still in developing, trying his best to live his passion, but getting beaten every now and then.
Work - he is treated like scum, Holly is always better by default no matter what.
Gym - Kickboxing is fun and he trains hard, but is defeated by Jeremy everytime, just because of his hight. losing by default.
Lovelife - Well, here is the first step towards something cool developing with Lena. You can play him as a player, he has potential. But on the other hand can i relate to the version of Ian with low selfesteem.
The only reason he thinks Jeremy would perhaps be better for Alison is, that he exactly knows, that she just needs a good old fuck because he can relate to the brake up of hers, the need of positive attention etc. And at that moment, he could not give it to her.
You really need to think of Ian as a perceptive, intelligent human beeing. dont ignore, that Alison is a really good friend over years. there is much more to it than just a nice fuck because of her titties.
All the discussion is prove, that the writing by Eva is really good